The Brazen Podcast

Should You Hire A Coach?

Calley & Valerie Episode 85

Embark on a transformative coaching adventure with  Valerie as we unveil the power of personalized coaching to elevate your business and leadership skills. Press play and become privy to how our 12-session coaching package meticulously aligns with your unique goals, whether you’re just starting out or growing your business! 

Discover advanced problem-solving techniques and witness how an objective ear can turn your aspirations into attainable goals, all within this episode's revealing conversation.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Brazen, a weekly podcast where we get down and dirty on how we can live a more bold, curious and vibrant life. We are your hosts Kali Hughes, a self-care coach and nurse practitioner, and Valerie King-Mowler, a business growth and mindset coach. In this podcast, we are helping women stop people pleasing and perfectionism, awaken their inner badass and discover what can happen when we take the lead in our own life. Join us as we explore everything available to us when we brazenly take accountability for our life and well-being. Let's get started.

Speaker 2:

Hello and welcome to another episode of the Brazen podcast. Today I am recording solo and this is part one of a two-part series on what is coaching and whether or not you should hire a coach. So, as many of you know, I am a business and leadership coach and so I am going to just take you through a little bit of what I do with coaching clients so that you can understand the process, and then talk a little bit about whether you should hire a coach. Part two we'll talk a little bit about self-coaching. So if you're not in a place where you do want to hire a coach, this is an opportunity for you to kind of work through some exercises on your own. That will give you some clarity and some motivation and tools to help you accomplish your goals. And the reason I wanted to offer this is number one.

Speaker 2:

It's that time of year where the resolutions are starting to kind of fall by the wayside. People are kind of like a little bit depressed because they haven't been reaching their goals, and also I've just been asked a lot recently what it's like to actually work with a coach. So, just from my personal experience and please know that there are millions of coaches and they all have their kind of own style. So it's really important, if you do choose to hire a coach, that you spend some time. Almost every coach that I've seen offers at least some sort of initial consultation. That's usually free, which means that you're able to kind of meet with them and see if you have chemistry or if you like their style. Some coaches are more tough love and some are more cheerleading and some have just something in between. So it's really important for you to kind of figure out if that's the type of coaching style you want to work with. So the first part for me is I do start with a one hour initial meeting where we do kind of a little bit of coaching. I find out what the client is looking for and they kind of fill me in on that, and then I ask a lot of questions, kind of see what their main goals are, what has prevented them from reaching the goal in the past, why they're interested in hiring a coach and just having a kind of casual chat. But that time does start to kind of devolve into a little bit of coaching. So even if you never work with me again, you've gotten a little bit of coaching and maybe some steps forward. So I strongly suggest, if you are interested in working with a coach, to sign up for a few of those, so you will likely get some value to help move you forward, even if you don't work with a coach. I hope all the coaches out there are going to kill me for that, and I do believe in giving a lot of value to anyone, even if I don't end up working with them.

Speaker 2:

And then from there I do offer a 12, 12 session package and that can be split up however the coaching client would like and whatever works best for them. So it can be broken up into weekly sessions if they're really trying to kind of quickly accomplish a goal or if they need that weekly accountability, or it could be bi-weekly or monthly. A lot of times monthly is if I've worked with someone before and they're kind of in the maintenance fees of the coaching package. It can be whatever they want. And once again, this is my personal coaching. There are coaches that have specific setups that you would need to stick with.

Speaker 2:

But and then from there I do have kind of a rough formula that I follow with clients, which is we start out with what's the goal. You know, what have you done so far? And then kind of go into like in particular with the business, like we cover kind of pricing and marketing and depending on where they are in the business, like what kind of systems they have, but also kind of along the way we're talking about confidence and imposter syndrome and what's holding them back and you know, just all of those things that truly affect all of us when we're trying to accomplish our goals. So there's a lot of mindset involved in every step of the way, but there's a lot of practical stuff we discuss as well. So that's kind of a breakdown of the 12 sessions and basically it's my goal to make sure your goals happen and are achieved. So I am very much invested in the process, just along with you, but for a more objective perspective. So I'm there to offer accountability. I do offer a mix of you know, tough love questions and kind of like motivation and inspiration and sort of cheerleading, because I do think it's good to have a healthy mix of both. But I'm there to once again make sure that you achieve what you need. And also I'm there to find out what exactly you need and what style you need, so that I can kind of fit that to make sure you're getting everything that you need to achieve your goals. So that's a little bit about how I work. Once again, do your research and find a coach that works the best for you.

Speaker 2:

But some of the benefits that you can get from coaching. First off, these are three kind of coaching statistics that I wanted to share with you, and the first one is 99% of people who hire to coach say they're satisfied or very satisfied, and 96% would repeat the process, according to an ICF Global Coaching Client Study. That's a pretty high number. That's even higher than I expected, but I can say that I've with my particular clients. I do think that there's a lot of magic that comes from the coaching process and even if you don't 100% achieve your goals that you set out to at the beginning, often you're way further along than you ever thought you could be at the end of the 12 sessions and, if anything, you also are able to get a lot of problem solving tools. Coaches, especially if they've had formal training and a lot of experience, will have exercises and resources and things like that that you may not have at your disposal right now. So even if you don't work with them again, you're going to be able to get a lot of work done. You do have the opportunity to take those exercises and do some self-coaching after. So it truly is someone that's like great to have in your back pocket if you are trying to achieve some big goals or if you've been working towards the same goal consistently and just never achieved it.

Speaker 2:

So the second one is 80% of coaching clients say that they improve their self-esteem and self-confidence. I think that that is one thing that I see a lot from coaching is, you know, obviously with my clients we're achieving our goals, but even more so seeing like the self-confidence and the willingness to push themselves outside their comfort zone. And you know, a lot of times we do like a look back at session one and where they were versus where they are at session 12. And it's just amazing to see how far they've come. And a lot of it is just that they're pushing themselves outside their comfort zone just a tiny bit each time. And then by the end we're like did you ever imagine you'd be doing X, y and Z? And it's just really spectacular to kind of see that process. And a lot of it is just the self-confidence and the little sort of nudges and pushes that I can do as a coach to kind of get them a little further along and just sort of questioning whether they're thinking big enough and, you know, making those big steps to kind of get them where they need to be.

Speaker 2:

And then the last fact I want to give you is that the median return on investment for hiring a coach is seven times the initial investment, and I definitely, because I work with businesses, I can see that in actual financial numbers. But you know, in terms of whether you work with a weight loss coach or a financial coach or any type of coaching like, you're going to get a really great return on your investment. And it does seem sometimes like a big investment in the beginning. Before it's you know what you're going to get. But particularly if you work with a coach that you have really good chemistry, you're going to have some pretty amazing results. So that's a little bit about the coaching.

Speaker 2:

Some of the things that you can expect to get from a coaching session are a coach will definitely help you kind of clarify your goals and your vision. A lot of times, even in that initial consultation, that free one before someone signs up with me, we do a lot to sort of clarify what their goals are, because a lot of times they're not measurable or they're not as kind of detailed and I don't know compelling as they could be. So we spend a lot of time in that first session just digging down to what their actual vision is and why they want it. Sometimes you kind of like look at a goal and you're like, wait, actually that isn't exactly the lifestyle I'm looking for, and so we can kind of shape their goal to actually fit and make them feel really inspired and just have it be such a compelling goal that it's something that they're really excited to shoot for.

Speaker 2:

The second one is accountability. That's a huge one and I would say at least 30 to 40% of people hire me just because they need an accountability partner and someone that won't, unlike a friend or a co-worker or whatever, I'm objective and so I'm not going to just sort of back down if you're like, well, I didn't get that done this week, it's. You know, we're going to dig into why that happened, and at first it can be probably a little frustrating because you want to be able to make excuses for why you didn't do something. But it's my job to make sure you don't do that. So I think, ultimately, that accountability will ensure that we get really far in that 12 session package.

Speaker 2:

The next one is just objective feedback, as I just mentioned. Some people are like well, why would I hire a coach? I can like talk with my friends or a mentor or whatever, and once again, my goal is to make sure you achieve your goal. So I try to stay objective in terms of, you know, giving you that feedback and not worried about hurting your feelings or and not that I'm cruel about it, but I really want to kind of dig down into why things aren't happening for you, and so I can also just give you objective feedback on okay, it seems like you're doing this or you're procrastinating, like what's behind that? So I'm able to give you that versus you know a friendship where they would just be like oh yeah, I guess that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

The next one is just efficiency improvement to like. Especially as a business coach, I really like to like give people systems and you know how they can free up time in their businesses. So if you're a newer business, we're kind of focusing on getting you off the ground, but if you've been in business for a little bit and you're trying to grow. We're looking at how can you be more efficient, what systems can you put in place that allow you to focus on bigger things and things that will lead to bigger growth, Even if you're a relatively new business, just looking at systems that you can put into place to make sure that you're achieving your goals. So that could even just be Little daily habits that you're doing that help you get closer to your you know Final goal that we're working on. So we'll kind of look at just different types of ways to kind of keep you motivated and inspired through the whole process and then enhanced problem solving.

Speaker 2:

I think one of the benefits of having another person working with you is we can take apart a problem and offer two different perspectives and kind of, like you know, I can ask a lot of questions to try to get to the root of the problem, and I think that can be really, really Beneficial in terms of just widening your thinking about your business or about whatever goal you're trying to achieve. So you know, having that kind of back and forth can really help you Not only adopt a new problem-solving style, but also just get lots of different options for how to move forward and then just to increase confidence. I think that that's a huge one. As I mentioned before, when people are done working with me, I love seeing that their confidence has increased by so much or that they're more like secure in their business ideas or more, you know, secure and kind of following their dreams and and being confident about pushing themselves outside their comfort zone. So that is a really big one for me. And it's kind of this subtle thing that you know at the beginning, when we're talking about goals, the goal is and I want to increase myself confidence but you know that's kind of deep-seated in the sort of ultimate Approach and so it's just really great to see that at the end. So that's a little bit about the coaching process and sort of benefits of coaching.

Speaker 2:

I would recommend and I have, you know, done an initial Consultation with people and said I don't think coaching is right for you at this moment. And so there are some people when, if you're not really super clear on your goals and once again we will work on clarifying if you have a rough idea of what you want, but if you're kind of just like I don't know what I want in life right now, I do think a coach could potentially help you, but I also, if you're kind of all over the place with, you know, switching what you want at any given moment, it might be that the investment isn't worth it quite yet. That being said, once again, a coach may be able to help you clarify that by asking a lot of questions. But if you're just not like a hundred percent sure, that could be in time where you might want to do some self-coaching first before you invest.

Speaker 2:

The other thing is, if you're not looking For accountability and if you feel that you are someone that's going to make a lot of excuses Whereas a coach can work with you on that, if you're just gonna feel defeated At the end of every session, that isn't gonna really do much good for you. So you have to be kind of sure that you want this process and to know that it is gonna be Life-changing. But you do have to put in the work. It's not a magic formula where you, you know, just by the nature of working with a coach, you're gonna achieve your goals. It's, you know, the coach is there to kind of push you and to Work with you to kind of solve problems. But you have to be invested in that process and then, finally, if you're not willing to do the research.

Speaker 2:

I think the only like sort of negative coaching issue I ever had was with someone that I wasn't sure I wanted to work within the first place, and I think that they weren't sure they wanted to work with me and we didn't end up working together.

Speaker 2:

But is something where you should be sure that the person you're partnering with is someone that you want to work with, and I know that one session isn't necessarily enough to be able to tell if you're going to like, love them as a coach, but it will tell you if it's not, someone that you enjoy their style and there are so many coaches out there that you can choose from and definitely pick a coach that just resonates the best with you and you know that you appreciate their style and kind of their package offerings and and all of that and that will make the biggest difference for your coaching in general. So that's a little bit about the coaching process, the benefits of coaching and kind of what to look for, and if you have any questions, you can always reach out to me. I'll link all of our contact information at the bottom, but, once again, I do offer free coaching sessions if you ever want to see what that process is like, and also you are welcome to ask us questions. Like I said, we can dive deep into any of those, but in the meantime, keep being brazen and we'll see you next week.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the Brazen podcast. We'd love to hear more about your parenthood or child-free journey, so please feel free to email us at hello at brazenwomencom. If you liked this episode. Please rate, review and share the episode so we can get the word out there. We'll be back here next Tuesday, but in the meantime, keep being brazen.

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